Pietro Scalfaro
Co-founder & Medical Advisor

Pietro Scalfaro

Pietro is a physician executive and business angel investor with extensive experience in clinical development. He led numerous early-phase clinical programs in a range of therapeutic areas including liver, kidney, and infectious diseases, where he successfully enrolled thousands of patients. His expertise has also significantly contributed to advancing personalized medicine and digital health initiatives, with responsibility for financing rounds that successfully advanced several start-ups. As a clinical practitioner, Pietro supervised physicians, nurses, students, and worked on respiratory disease research. He grew pediatric and intensive care departments with cross-functional teams across Switzerland, Australia and France.

Notable achievements:

Successfully developed treatments in five disease areas from scratch. Designed and conducted dozens of clinical trials on budget, on schedule, with positive results.

Publications by Pietro Scalfaro

  • Ratziu, V., Harrison, S. A., Loustaud-Ratti, V., Bureau, C., Lawitz, E., Abdelmalek, M., ... & Scalfaro, P. Hepatic and renal improvements with FXR agonist vonafexor in individuals with suspected fibrotic NASH. Journal of Hepatology, 2023, 78(3), 479-492.
  • Flisiak, R., Horban, A., Gallay, P., Bobardt, M., Selvarajah, S., Wiercinska‐Drapalo, A., ... & Scalfaro, P.. The cyclophilin inhibitor Debio‐025 shows potent anti–hepatitis C effect in patients coinfected with hepatitis C and human immunodeficiency virus. Hepatology, 2008, 47(3), 817-826.
  • Mühlemann, K., Franzini, C., Aebi, C., Berger, C., Nadal, D., Stähelin, J., … Scalfaro, P. Prevalence of Nosocomial Infections in Swiss Children's Hospitals. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 2004, 25(9), 765-771.
  • Stucki, P., Scalfaro, P., de Halleux, Q., Vermeulen, F., Rappaz, I., & Cotting, J. (2002). Successful management of severe respiratory failure combining heliox with noninvasive high-frequency percussive ventilation. Critical care medicine, 2002, 30(3), 692-694.
  • Scalfaro, P., Pillow, J. J., Sly, P. D., & Cotting, J. Reliable tidal volume estimates at the airway opening with an infant monitor during high-frequency oscillatory ventilation. Critical Care Medicine, 2001, 29(10), 1925-1930.
  • Scalfaro, Pietro, et al. Salbutamol prevents the increase of respiratory resistance caused by tracheal intubation during sevoflurane anesthesia in asthmatic children. Anesthesia & Analgesia 2001, 93(4), 898-902.

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